Walking In The Kingdom  Fall 2011 Schedule


Starts: Wednesday Sept 7th

Ends: Wednesday November 2nd

Where: Potter's House Family Worship Center


Classes held each Wednesday night at 7 PM


Walking In The Kingdom Syllabus


Week 1 - The call to Minister


Week 2 - Hearing God's voice and walking in the Spirit


Week 3 - Renewing the mind and realizing our assignment


Week 4 - Purpose of the 5 fold ministry gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher).


Week 5 - The Revelation Gifts (Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discernment of Spirits) and the Vocal Gifts (Prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues) .


Week 6 - The Power Gifts (Healing, Gift of Faith, Miracles) and growing your gift.


Week 7 - Gifts expressed through the arts (Worship, craftsman, writing, painting, dance, etc.) and the service gifts (Administration, Giving, Helps /Serving, Hospitality, Leadership, and Mercy / Compassion, and intercession/prayer)


Week 8 - Dream Interpretation and the character of the minister (presbytery and elders will lay hands on individuals at the end of the class to release gifts and ministries)Week 8 - Dream Interpretation and the character of the minister (presbytery and elders will lay hands on individuals at the end of the class to release gifts and ministries)


Week 9 - Treasure Hunt