Bill Switzer 2-4-2011
The time is now for God to move mightly. It has already started. Signs for the road never before traveled, are coming forth now. The time for waiting is over. This generation will see the glory of the Kingdom of God, poured out upon the sons and daughters of The Most High God. The church has been crippled with false humility and guilt, the tools of the evil one. But now God's children are discovering their true identity. Poverty mentality and spiritual mediocrity in God's Kingdom will cease. The Kingdom of God is coming forth through His children. He gave mankind authority, and restored that authority by the blood of Jesus Christ to believers. The bride of Christ is coming forth. Fruit of the Father will accomplish this outpouring. Churches of believers will band together to take cities. Much has been prophesied about youth, but all ages of believers will work together for the salvation and the presence of God to be manifested.